Seek It Like Silver
Each day, we choose where to pour our time, focus, and energy. Engaging Scripture is one way we choose to put God first in our lives.
Each day, we choose where to pour our time, focus, and energy. Engaging Scripture is one way we choose to put God first in our lives.
The obstacles keeping us from God aren’t just around us—they’re within us. Here are four simple prayers to help us center our hearts during our time with God.
If we wait for the perfect moment to spend time with God, we’ll be waiting forever. Let me ask: Do you believe you have to prepare yourself to be with God, or do you believe that He’s already prepared Himself to be with you?
God cannot make a pleasure greater than He can give in Himself. Therefore every good pleasure is not a reflection of heaven but merely a dim, jaded foretaste.
Last month I shared hard facts about the persecution of Christians around the world. But if America is so Christian, where’s our persecution?
90,000 Christians were killed globally in 2016. This is the most important forgotten story because it’s about our family.