Read the Hard Parts of the Bible, Too
The Word of God is a fire. We excel at gathering and worshipping around the fire, but perhaps we’ve forgotten the fire is also meant to refine us.
The Word of God is a fire. We excel at gathering and worshipping around the fire, but perhaps we’ve forgotten the fire is also meant to refine us.
The rain didn’t stop. But then God performed the miracle.
My life has been crazy busy in the last week, but in the midst of it God is teaching me an important lesson about preparation.
When the fire in prayer is lacking, one important question can reset and refocus your prayers.
Four common roadblocks tend to keep us from experiencing God. But when we come with expectation, these barriers lose their power.
Several months ago I realized a need to revitalize my prayer life. I was swinging between overly rote time with God and unstructured, unfruitful time in prayer. So I created a prayer matrix.