For the Mornings You Feel Distant from God

Camden McAfee

Camden McAfee


If there’s ever a question about faithfulness, it’s on us, not God.

“If we are faithless, he remains faithful—
For He cannot deny Himself.”

Those words written by Paul (2 Timothy 2:13) need to sink into my soul.

For the mornings I feel distant

Yesterday morning I was angry with God. The issue I faced wasn’t significant in light of my day. What really frustrated me was the distance I felt between God and me.

I didn’t know why. I searched my heart to see if I needed to repent, confessed my anxieties, reassessed the way I do morning prayer and reading. And still I felt distant.

My struggle with feeling distant from God is more an example of my failing self-sufficiency—works-righteousness.

[share-quote author=”Tim Keller” via=”TonyReinke”]Anxiety is the result of a collapsing false god.[/share-quote]

In some ways, I can do nothing to draw myself nearer to God. Yet I can do much to humble myself into realizing how near He is to me by the blood of Jesus.

For the mornings I feel distant, I need to take my focus off what I’m doing and put it on what God has done.

“If we are faithless, he remains faithful—
For He cannot deny Himself.”

Busyness is not faithfulness

I don’t want to waste my time. But what does that mean?

  • Does it mean having a career that is ministry-related?
  • Does it mean the longer morning devotional time, the better?
  • Does it mean always being busy?

Not wasting my life has far more to with faithfulness than busyness.

Faithfulness starts with God. I must recognize God has never stopped being faithful to me. Whether I feel close or distant, God is near. He is faithful to His promises, both to shower affection and to discipline His son (Zeph 3:17; Prov 3:11-12). Both of these are love—love that is steadfast and faithful.

This year, “steadfast love and faithfulness” is my theme. I want to align my life with God’s steadfast love. Checklists don’t matter compared to God’s heart.

Thank you Father that You are faithful.

“If we are faithless, he remains faithful—
For He cannot deny Himself.”

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