Three days ago, I backed into a car.

No one was around, so I had to leave a note. The lack of closure only increased my anxiety.
The next day, I went to church, and the sermon hit home. The point was this – although life may be chaotic at times, God wants to be present with us wherever we are.
Since that message, I’ve asked the question in many everyday circumstances: What does it mean for God to be with me right now?
God Doesn’t Play Hide and Seek
When falling into sin, we tend to wait until everything’s “okay” before talking to God. When faced with a stressful situation, we tend to wait for relative peace before talking to God. When I backed into a car, I waited until I was safely in bed before really talking to God about it.
Why? The answer may be one of these:
- I’m ashamed
- I don’t trust God to give me peace
- I don’t want to bother Him with my problems
All are shortsighted.
We may hide like Adam and Eve, but God still comes and asks, “Where are you?” God is present, and He cares.
- God is always with us (Matthew 28:20)
- God never leaves us or forsakes us (Hebrews 13:5)
- God is wherever you go; you can’t get away (Psalm 139:7-12)
- God doesn’t condemn us if we are in Christ (Romans 8:1)
- God is a refuge for us; we can be honest with Him (Psalm 62:8)
- God keeps us in perfect peace when we trust in Him (Isaiah 26:3)
- God knocks on the door of your heart, asking to come in (Revelation 3:20)
- God reaches out to us, even when we don’t ask for it (Isaiah 65:1)
- God is before us and beside us; we won’t be shaken (Psalm 16:8)
The Shepherd is Present
As I returned to my bed after backing into a car, I wrote the entire chapter of Psalm 23 in my journal. One verse stuck out out above all the rest:
Psalm 23:4
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me. Your rod and your staff, they comfort me.
“I walk,” “I will fear no evil,” “You are with me.” See the progression? Right now, I walk through the shadow of death. Now and in the future, I won’t fear, because right now God is with me. He comforts me right now.
God is already with you wherever you go – whether finishing finals, changing a diaper, driving to work, or backing into a car. Don’t wait until it’s convenient to let the God of all peace be present in your life.
God wasn’t waiting for David on the other side of the valley of the shadow of death. He was there; He is here.
How has God reminded you of His presence in life’s circumstances? Share in the comments below!