Don’t Forget Good Friday Too Quickly
We’d rather go to a party than a funeral. But according to the Bible, we’re missing something if we move from Good Friday to Easter too quickly.
We’d rather go to a party than a funeral. But according to the Bible, we’re missing something if we move from Good Friday to Easter too quickly.
For one more night, we get to look back on 2017 and thank God for all He’s done.
We live between the songs, a song of earthly deliverance and a song of heavenly deliverance. And here we are—caught between songs, caught between worlds.
We live between the first song and the final song of the Bible. These songs show us a picture of God’s salvation stretching far back into history and forward into all eternity.
We anticipate holidays like Labor Day for weeks on end. Then it passes, and we step into our daily fall routine. We switch between the extraordinary and the ordinary, and our spiritual lives follow suit.
Sometimes saying “yes” to God’s will for our lives means saying “no” to good opportunities.